With Maneesh, Manose, Miten and Deva Premal in concert With Shivananda in Alexis Zorbas With Shivananda during a Singing Sangha on Akrotiri roof, Corfu With Chaitanya Georg Deuter, Karunesh and Chinmaya Dunster With Chinmaya Dunster, Shastro and Karunesh Among others: Chinmaya Dunster, Bikram Singh, Prabodh, Ramadhan With Miten and Deva Premal before a concert In Goa with Raja With Kamal and Almasto in Corfu Buddha Hall With Emmanuel Comte With Naveen and others in Cologne With Anubuddha, Satgyan and Harry Manx (Prasad) As a student of Pandit Hindraj Divekar in India I have played with so many beautiful friends. Thanks to all!